UK & Europe

Europe is Discover Travel’s biggest destination by far. We may be 12,000 miles away but it is hard to escape our European influence.  Many Kiwis start with a visit to the UK – tracing family or visiting their children who are on their OE – a great introduction that is usually followed by a visit to “The Continent”.

And what a continent it is. Renowned for its diverse patchwork of history, culture and staggering beauty, it’s a continent of architecture and artists, culture, quirks and cuisine. Everything about Europe is eclectic. Vineyards roll into villages and cutting-edge cities share their borders with century-old castles.

Wine varietals are as vast as the vineyards where they thrive, from Riesling on the Rhone to a sparkling region by the name of Champagne, this is the wine capital of the world. European cuisine has been unmatched since, well forever, and the aesthetics are equally delicious.

Shaped by masters such as Gaudi and Michelangelo, as well as the Romans, the Greeks and their numerous gods, the artwork is indisputably impressive.

A continent of confidence, Europe is a crowd-pleaser and an undisputed head-turner. It’s the perfect destination to take your lifestyle on holiday with you – whether you’re a foodie, a culture-seeker, an active relaxer or just want to hike, bike or sail somewhere amazing, you’ll find a destination that ticks all your boxes, however with 50 countries to choose from and even more languages to embrace we thought we would help to narrow it down!

  • Culture seekers head to the Dordogne, Provence, Tuscany, Puglia or Sicily for delightful villages, vineyards and ruins
  • Students of Classical history will probably head to Italy, Greece and Turkey.
  • Boaties should head to the Mediterranean; Croatia, Sicily and the Greek Islands are always popular. Perhaps try the canals of France or the UK if you’d rather something more sedate.
  • City Lovers – well, you are spoilt for choice!  Paris, London, Barcelona, Rome, Edinburgh, Dublin, Venice and Amsterdam are perennial Kiwi favourites, but why not try something different on your next trip? We’d recommend exploring Berlin, Lisbon, Stockholm, Copenhagen, Reykjavik, Bologna, Vienna, Zagreb or Ljubljana.
  • Nature Lovers should head to Scandinavia to visit the pristine fjords, to Switzerland or Slovenia for their stunning mountains and lakes or to Iceland for it’s spectacular geothermal scenery.
  • Walkers – too many options to choose from, but you could head to the coasts for outstanding walks with a view like the Amalfi Coast, Cinque Terre, Lycian Way or Camino de Santiago or head inland to the Alps and Dolomites.
  • Music lovers should head to Vienna for classical concerts and Verona for the Opera or seek out one of the many epic music festivals over the European summer.
  • Adventurers head to Eastern Europe or the wildernesses of Northern Scandinavia and Iceland.
  • War History buffs should head to France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Turkey or Eastern Europe.
  • Foodies – well you can go almost anywhere, but San Sebastian and Bologna are two of our favourites.

Whether it is your first time to Europe or your 20th, there is always something new to see and we would love to help you discover more. Planning the perfect European holiday is our speciality.