Ethiopia & West Africa

If you are looking for history and culture in Africa – head for Ethiopia.  This former Italian colony boasts 12 and 13th Century Rock Chuches, Royal Castles of Gondar, ancient cultural ceremonies along with spectacular scenery in the Simien Mountains and the Bale National Park.  Wildlife lovers will enjoy the Simien Fox, Gelada Baboons and abundant colourful birdlife.  The highlight will however be the warmly welcoming local people.  The coffee and icecream will surprise and delight.

West Africa is not about viewing game – West Africa is the place for for history, art, culture, people, vibrancy and music. Journey to Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo and Ghana and immerse yourself in unique cultures that remain unchanged after centuries. Enjoy the incredible warmth and exuberance of the local people and witness a masked dance at a Dogon village or visit the fascinating Betamaribe tribe from the remote mountains of northern Benin.  Voodoo Culture, Music Festivals, mysterious dance ceremonies and a town called Timbuktu – this is West Africa!